Archive for January, 2012

Valerian Root and My Sleep!
January 30, 2012

As many of you know,  I have been having a hard time getting to sleep lately.  I love to stay up late at night,  typing away on my computer.  I also love to read all of the comments and other information that my readers leave for me.  But my sleep was suffering.  I was having a hard time getting to sleep,  and I was having a hard time staying asleep.

There is one herbal supplement that I have written about for many years,  but I have never tried.  It is called valerian root. I must say,  valerian root has really done a good job to help me get to sleep.  For all of you that know me,  you know that I am skeptical about many herbal supplements.  But valerian did the trick.

There is much research about how valerian root is good for insomnia.  But don’t just take my word for it,  try it for yourself.  I am pleasantly surprised at how it has helped me get to sleep.

I am too tired to write too much more about it,  include a picture,  or a You Tube video.  So just let me end this by saying that valerian root works.  And if you are having trouble getting to sleep you should try it.

All the best

Michael Preston